Welcome to my geographic data science corner! On this website I share some thoughts related to my research and teaching — for example, tips and tricks for improved geospatial analyses, updates on my R packages, and other fun stuff.
Willkommen in meiner Grabbelkiste für die geographischen Datenwissenschaften! Hier teile ich ab und zu Ideen aus meiner Forschung und Lehre — z.B. Tipps und Tricks für räumliche Analysen, Updates zu meinen R-Paketen und andere spaßige Sachen. Es gibt Beiträge auf Deutsch und Englisch, mal so, mal so.
German-language section
I’m a full professor of geographic information science in the Department of Geography of Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. My research interests include geospatial modeling of Earth surface processes, machine learning, natural hazards, and remote-sensing data analysis. I enjoy contributing to the open-source data analysis ecosystem of with my geocomputing-related packages.
Download my CV.
Associate Professor of Geomatics, until 2014/15
University of Waterloo, Canada
PhD in Physical Geography, 2005
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent) in Mathematics (minor in Geography), 2001
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany